THE HOUR refers to a cataclysmic hour in history where God judges that nation called Mystery Babylon the great. The prophets tell us it will take ONE HOUR, in one day, for this nation to be burned with fire (Rev 14:7, 18:8,10,17,19, Isa 47:9-14).  At the same time the destruction takes place, so too will His supernatural exit plan take place, which is referred to as “the rapture” or “catching away” (1 Thes 4:15). This one-hour exit strategy is promised to those who follow His Word in Rev 3:8-11 and is described as “an open door that no man can shut”.  Both events occur within that ONE HOUR event.  Paul refers to it in 1 Thes 1:7,1 Cor 15:51, and Luke 17:29-30.