Every generation has believed that Christ could come at any moment. However, there is debate as to how and when He will come. He cannot come until the seventh and eighth kingdoms of Rev 17:9-16 fulfill their roles. If the United States of America is the seventh kingdom, which we believe she is, when she gets deposed (Dan 2:21) the New World Order will rule for a period of seven years before Christ comes. However, according to pre-tribulation rapture theology, Jesus will come as a thief in the night and catch away his bride before the tribulation begins (1 Cor 15:51, 1 Thes 1:7, 4:17). This event could take place at any time, but it is evident in Scripture that it will take place: simultaneously, before or during the “Hour” of tribulation that comes upon the earth. Our Study Guide goes into great detail showing the Scriptures that back this hypothesis. Jesus said “no man knows the hour or the day” however, the signs of the times would point to the prospect that we are fast approaching that day.