CSR Notes:
If some calls requesting prayer, please have them call the prayer line: 1-877-519-9172
- 20X Brochure (Ministry Gift Package) includes two signed books by Author Richard Pearson
Always return to the call centre page and do not use the continue shopping button for multiple orders
- When a customer requests a donation only, please ask if they are expecting a book or study guide. There has been some confusion on the part of the customer in the past
In case of multiple book orders, please let the customer know that items may be shipped separately
- The is a new box under “Order Info” that allows for special instructions or requests from the customer
If a caller refuses to submit an email or phone number, please populate the corresponding fields with:
- NoMail@prophecyusa.org
- (999) 999-9999
Unless you receive a confirmation page, you can assure the customer that a payment did not go through. This includes a blank page
Please let customers know that their credit card will show that a payment has been made to “PayPal”
Please make sure that you are using the correct currency. US funds for US customers
- We do accept money orders
- Always open this page in a Private/Incognito page
- All International orders (other than Canadian) are to be in US funds
- Please enter all information accurately (Thanks guys, you rock!)
US CALLERS: mailing address: CANADIAN CALLERS: mailing address ProphecyUSA ProphecyUSA PO BOX 2833 P.O. Box 10 Clearwater, Florida 33757 Paris, Ontario N3L 3E5